+265 1 789 400 ||health@health.gov.mw||

Ministry of Health



To provide technical leadership and advice on delivery of high quality clinical services in the country


Comprehensive and high quality clinical services accessible by all Malawians. Broadly the Directorate is responsible for: 

  • Formulating (setting), promoting, enforcing and monitoring policies, standards, guidelines and protocols required for delivery of high quality clinical services.
  • Managing the External Patient Referral Program
  • Leading and coordinating the national response to Non Communicable Diseases including mental health problems
  • Leading and guiding on national delivery of clinical nutrition/dietetic services.
  • Guiding and supporting the activities of traditional practitioners through their umbrella organisation MTHUO (Malawi Traditional Healers Umbrella Organisation)

Structure of the Directorate

The Directorate has four sections namely:

  1. Curative
  2. Nutrition(clinical)
  3. Non Communicable Diseases and Mental Health
  4. Medical Rehabilitation Services

Some of the selected major milestones for the Clinical Directorate:

  • Malawi Standard Treatment Guidelines, 5th edition 2015.
  • National Alcohol Policy: adopted by Cabinet, Jan 2017
  • CMAM (Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition) Guidelines, 2016
  • National  Guidelines on Nutrition Care, Support and Treatment for Adolescents and Adults, 2014 (2nd edition)
  • Manual of the Criteria for Referral of Patients Abroad, 3rd Edition 2010.
  • Guidelines for the Clinical Use of Blood and Blood products, 2012.
  • Minimum Standards of Clinical Services for Malawi, 1st Edition 2013.
  • Minimum incentive Package for Ministry of Health employed clinical specialists
  • Pre-hospital Care Services/Emergency Medical Services- World Bank supported pilot project.
  • Draft Traditional Medicine Policy, 2009


The major challenges for the Directorate and indeed the entire public health care delivery system are:

  • Inadequate basic and specialised pieces of medical equipment
  • Inadequate medicines and medical supplies
  • Inadequate human resources for health

All these have a bearing on delivery of high quality health services including clinical services.