+265 1 789 400 ||health@health.gov.mw||

Ministry of Health


To improve access of health services for Malawians through the provision of financial management services.


To provide proffesional financial management services for the delivery of equitable, sustainable and quality health for all Malawians


The Finance Department is headed by the Director of Finance. The Department has eight (8) functions:

  • Processing of Other Recurrent Transactions (ORT) payments
  • Preparation and payment of monthly salaries.
  • Preparation of advances and remittances
  • Provision of responses to audit queries
  • Preparation of bank reconciliation statements for all accounts
  • Processing payments for projects:
  1.  Development part 1 (discrete accounts)
  2.  Development part 2 (government funded
  • Production of Financial management reports
  • Monitoring Central hospitals, Zones and Health Service Commission
  • Collaborating with National Local Government Finance Committee on District Financial Improvement Plans
  • Issuing of cheques
  • Maintenance of cash books
  • Management of fuel
  • Filling of payment vouchers and supporting documents
  •  Preparation of cash controls


Director of Finance

Chief Accountant

Principal Accountant