Malawi Ministry of Health


Welcome to the first session!

This session highlights the collaboration required of the whole multi-disciplinary team, including the community to achieve IPC-WASH standards and safe patient care.

This session complements the National Training Module ‘Introduction to IPC and WASH.’

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of combining IPC and WASH.
  • Describe the value of collaboration between all staff cadres and the community to achieve Malawi IPC-WASH standards.
  • Explain how health facilities can become IPC-WASH champions.

Learning video: Introduction to IPC and WASH

Watch the learning video below where Malawian champions share the value of combining IPC and WASH.

Champion video

Watch the additional champion video to get more insight.

Additional Resource List

A list of additional resources from different sources has been compiled for you to learn more.

Access the full session package

A Whats App compatible version of the full session package, can be downloaded below.

Find all materials in the package library. Here, you can view and download different versions of the materials (English and Chichewa).