+265 1 789 400 ||health@health.gov.mw||

Ministry of Health

Preventive Health Services

The core responsibilities of the Preventive Health Services is to efficiently and effectively design and implement preventive and promote health interventions and hence aim to reduce the burden of preventable, communicable and treatable diseases to a level of no public health significance in Malawi.  In order to achieve this, the department is guided by different strategic objectives through its programmes by mainly promoting community participation and involvement in the utilization of cost-effective essential health care packages.


The preventive health services department is one of the largest departments in the Ministry of Health and is home to the Health promotion services, epidemiology services, malaria prevention control programme, Tuberculosis control programme, Skin and leprosy programme, Environmental Health, Primary health care, Expanded Programme on Immunization, Onchocericasis programme, bilharzia control programme, public health reference laboratory, national Trypansomiasis programme, Acute Respiratory Infections programme.